We are not just another firm looking for a transaction—let us show you why


core tenets


Integrity Always

Doing the right thing even when no one is looking


Servant Leadership

We are at the service of our operating team, our employees, and our customers


Excellence in All We Do

Nothing worth doing comes easily

Our Promise

We are not looking for a “quick buck.” We are not planning to enter your company and cut costs in order to drive our investment thesis. We are operators more than anything else. We realize you have likely been working with your employees for years, perhaps decades. They are your friends, even family. We will treat them with the same care.

One of our core tenets is servant leadership. We view our role not as issuing directives from atop a mountain. Rather, we flip the proverbial pyramid upside down. How can we enable our employees to do their jobs easier, with due autonomy and pride in ownership of their work? We serve them, not the other way around. We find that when we prioritize the development and responsibility of our people, they not only take care of the company, they take care of the customers and broader community.

Unlike private equity, you’re not just another portfolio company. Yours is the company. We hope to partner with you and your employees at a time when you and your business are at a natural point of transition or merely looking for an external perspective.

Nor are we a larger strategic competitor in your industry. You need not worry about your company’s people and culture being swallowed by a potentially larger bureaucratic machine.

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Our Differentiated Approach